Cuban Linx: 10-13-06 - Hype Boys

The official cover for the premiere issue of May-Zino's (that's Dave Mays & Benzino) new rag, Hip-Hop Weekly. I like the spoof better.
-Time to snatch a du-rag. Rodney "Youngest in Charge" D and Dallas Penn join forces to "liberate us from the slavery of ignorance and mis-education." Classic.
-This is why I need to relocate to NY: Fader previews Nas' Hip-Hop Is Dead.
-YN presentsThe Making of "Kingdom Come."
-Big Boi to design jerseys for Historically Black Colleges. Too bad they don't make press copies for jerseys.
-I don't see why this should surprise anyone.
-Jay-Z's Kingdom Come LP was leaked by "West African thieves" and is being sold for cheap in Brooklyn. (This is coming from Media Takeout, so take it with a huge grain of salt.)
-NYPD ordered to racially profile black folks. (Time for another "What's Beef?" post)
-New album cover for The Game's Doctor's Advocate.
-Lil' E can't do an interview without mentioning taking cheap shots at Lil' Game.
-As expected, T.I. leads nominations for the first annual BET Hip-Hop Awards. Maybe I should also make it known that I've canceled my plans to attend this event, since I mentioned it to a couple of peeps earlier. No, it has nothing to do with not being able to afford a bulletproof vest. More like, 'you can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather.'
-Bun B has had enough of MySpace spammers.