Breaking: The Coup & Friends Need Your Help
As I reported last week, The Coup and Mr. Lif were involved in a life-threatening bus crash that put a harsh stop to their touring. The bus and every merchandise in it was engulfed in the fire. Worse still, everyone involved in the ride was battered up badly.
According to Boots Riley, "Silk E has two broken ribs and a punctured lung. Wiz has a broken nose, two deep lacerations to the head, and a shattered knee. Zhara has injuries to her hand and had to undergo surgery. Carter had to get stitches to his head and lip. The driver, Glenn, has a broken jaw. All the first three will be in need of follow-up treatments. We all have aching backs, legs, heads etc. Many of us are on pain killers." (Full story)
Kindly donate whatever amount God lays on your heart to these brothers. I wouldn't wish something this terrible on my enemy at a time like this. I know you're probably thinking "These guys don't need my money. They're paid." You'd be surprised, they have rent, kids, bills, and surging needs, just like the rest of us. And as Boots puts it, the insurance money could take up to a year to finally drizzle in.
If nothing else motivates you to help them get through this, just remember that they gave us one of the best hip-hop albums of the year. Thank God they're still alive.
Help The Coup
(Thanks to Oh Word for bringing this to my attention.)